The Oracle Australia and New Zealand Middleware and Technology Blog.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Greening the Data-Centre - the ECM Way

Greening the data-centre is an initiative that any responsible environmentally-aware organisation should be undertaking.

Simply virtualisation at the server-level goes along way to achieving your goals - but so does switching off monitors, ceiling-lights and other items of electrical equipment that are on your desks right now!

One of the major challenges that is faced by an organisation is actually around the amount of information spread across multiple systems and held in numerous versions or simple duplication of data. Within an organisation, 85% of information is comprised of unstructured data and of this - a high percentage (30-40% in some cases) is duplicated. Implementing an ECM solution properly, that promotes single-point-storage for unstructured data is a key deliverable in greening the data-centre. Managing a smaller data footprint on fewer servers delivers environmental benefits as well as reducing overall costs in real-dollar terms.


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